Friday, April 28, 2017

Lesson Plan Supplemental Materials

My previous post titled My Technology Lesson Plan includes  my lesson plan titled Developing a Financial Plan - Goals and Making a Budget.

That lesson addresses the following standards:

Common Core Standards:

National Standards:

Standard 1. Recognize the responsibilities associated with personal financial decisions.
Standard 4.  Make criterion-based financial decisions by systematically considering alternatives and consequences.
Standard 8. Use a personal financial plan.

Ohio Standards:

TOPIC: FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND MONEY MANAGEMENT Responsible personal finance decisions are based upon reliable information and used to reach personal goals.
14. A personal financial plan includes financial goals and a budget, including spending on goods and services, savings and investments, insurance, and philanthropy.
TOPIC: SAVING AND INVESTING Saving and investing strategies help individuals achieve personal financial goals.
16. Saving and investing help to build wealth.

The desired outcome of this lesson plan is to provide students with an understanding of:
1.) The components of a budget
2.) How to control cash inflows and outflows
3.) Effective decision making with spending and saving to meet financial goals

Supplemental materials to be used with the lesson plan include the following:
1.) Personal Budget Assignment  -  Excel document on Google Drive. This template will be used by students to create and track a 3 month budget. Each student will be tasked with creating a DB and post their completed template on the 5th day following each month.
2.) Study Sheet of Vocabulary Terms - Word Document on Google Drive. This page of vocabulary terms and definitions will be used by the students as a study guide for the Post Assessment Quiz.

3.) Quiz - Quizlet document. This is a quiz to help prepare the students prepare for the Post Assessment Exam
<iframe src="" height="500" width="100%" style="border:0"></iframe>

Monday, April 17, 2017

Reflective Wrap-up Post

The Business Education classroom I envision will be designed for the 2st century. It will be intended to foster communication, collaboration, and leadership skills.  Three requirements for success in today business environment.

As described in the CLASSROOM DESIGN Post of April 3, 2017, my classroom will be a student- centered environment and include three very flexible meeting spaces all of which are technology integrated via laptops, tablets, mobile devices, and smart boards. These technologies are available for “classroom purposes only” with the intention of enhancing the learning facilitated by my lesson plans and instruction. My intention is to motivate students to research, put information in their hands, and allow them make discoveries.

My students will be 11th and 12th graders that are preparing themselves to be college and career ready. Our Business Education curriculum and courses work will provide students with the opportunity for hands on learning, collaboration, team work and confidence building. My plan is to use technology to expand course offerings, experiences, learning techniques, materials, and tools.

As we have learned in this class, on line learning opportunities and the use of other technologies are increasing educational opportunities, supporting 24/7 learning, increases engagement, and accelerate learning for students. All very good things. However, it must be recognized that potential issues exist that will be problematic if not proactively monitored and corrective action taken. Below I have identified four issues that are of concern to me. They are as follows:

1.)    Use of devices for “non-classroom” purposes – gaming and social media instead of learning
2.)    Using the internet as a crutch versus launching and reinforcing knowledge
3.)    The idea that technology will save education – or treating all educational issues with technology
4.)    Cheating and plagiarism

Business Education courses are intended to make an important contribution to the academic and career preparation for students. I am personally excited about the opportunity technology provides  to enhance classroom instruction, allow students to access information and accelerate their rate of learning.  However, I believe that technology should not be considers a panacea, cure all or band aid. From this course and my independent study, I have concluded that the use of technology must be planned for it to be effective and used to facilitate teaching, not replace it. To ensure the right balance is properly considered by educators, professional development classes such as this one (Education 2220: Educational Technology) should be required for all teaching professionals.

Monday, April 3, 2017


My Business Classroom Design

I have a strong belief that students should be in learning environments that inspire them to learn the subject matter, meet learning objectives and expose them to an environment that they will encounter in the 21st century business office. With that in mind, the design featured will have three very flexible meeting spaces:

1.)   The Flex Zone (back of the room) - Two modern and casual meeting spaces (round tables and comfortable couches w/ pillows) for small - large group gatherings, study sessions, discussions, sharing, collaboration, and general socialization. There will be open wall space where the teacher and students can post ideas, thoughts and quotes that help make our learning environment engaging and fun.

2.)  Learning – Six kidney shaped moveable tables and chairs that can be reshaped to include groups of 3 – 6 students. Each table has space for 3 students, 3 of the latest PC’s, screen and high speed internet connections and a large PC integrated and printable white board is positioned on the wall next to each table. The front wall of the classroom will be a wall to ceiling mega screen that can be used as a single screen or split into 2, 3, or 6 independent screens. Presenters (teachers, students and guest speakers will lead from a podium toward the front of the classroom.

3.)  The Board Room (middle of the room)– The class will have business simulation projects that require a formal boardroom setting. The long-extended table will include board room seating with PC, screen, and high speed internet connections.

Finally, the classroom space that I envision will include big windows to let a lot of natural light shine through and dimmable incandescent lighting. The room will be colorful without being obnoxious – colors will be blues, greens, whites, and yellows.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Pinterest in the Classroom

Pinterest in the Classroom

Assignment 7


1.What did you learn from the PINTEREST activity?  

This was another new learning experience for me. I had heard of Pinterest, understood it was a web application, but had no exposure to it. Thank you.

2.How do you believe you will utilize PINTEREST as a teacher?  

I can see and feel the power of organizing, creating and following web links by subject and theme. It seems to be a great tool for staying current in a specific topic or subject area.

3.What are the strengths of PINTEREST?

Organizing, creating and following authors,subjects and themes.

4.What are some of the challenges of PINTEREST?

Probably, just me, but I did not find the application as the most “user friendly”.  There was a delay or time lag between selecting a pin and the pin showing up in the selected board. I also experienced problems finding the dashboard page to complete the widget/gadget part of the assignment. I still can't find the boards on my blog - probably did something wrong??

5.What comments, questions, thoughts, opinions, and/or feedback do you have about PINTEREST?

Would like to explore more examples and options for using Pinterest as a teaching/educational tool. I can also see where this would be a nice feature and add to the effectiveness of a blog. I would also like to try the follower feature on an extended trial to see how that works. I am eager to find more ways to use Pinterest. This old dog is learning some new tricks thanks to this class. Thank you for the exposure.

Monday, February 27, 2017

"Kahn/Koller Review"

"Khan/Koller Review"

Khan Academy

My son, is a 2015 High School graduate and I can recall seeing Emails from Kahn Academy on our home computer, but until now, I could not tell you much about it. I enjoyed this exercise and the opportunity to learn more. I came away with a positive impression and upon talking with my son regarding his experience, I became even more convinced that Kahn is a solid educational tool, one, like others, that should be used as the situation warrants. The early videos were a little rough, but the more recent editions were better. The work output impresses me – I had no idea this all existed. I have daughter that will be entering HS next year and I will be very supportive of her using this tool.

I see on line learning as a tool, one that continues to improve in content, practice, accessibility, and cost. As for credentialing, I see the possibility of it adding too, but not the practicality of it replacing the name brand educational institutions we know and love in America.  Particularly for name brand employers. For most companies, the school name behind the courses, is what helps differentiate candidates in the hiring process, and I believe it will continue to matter for some time to come. However, that is not so true for entrepreneurs, which is where much of the seeds of innovation has and will continue to occur. For most entrepreneurs, the rules of engagement are different and neither diplomas nor credentials matter.


Learning about Coursera was a pleasant surprise. Different from Khan or other on line environments we see the name brand educational institutions we know and love in America as participants. What a wonderful alternative for some and opportunity for others. The “best of the best” putting their wares out on line for free. Even the Ohio State University is now participating.

Having just left the business world, I spent my time researching the Coursera’s offerings in Business. It was very impressive and if I had known about it while still working, there are several courses that would have been beneficial for the employee development of individuals and teams under my leadership. It would have been easy enough to have added this to their performance objectives and reaped the benefits of classes that in some instances, if done via an Executive Education class at the University of Michigan or Stanford would have cost $ 5 – 10,000/employee. From reading the course content, these seem to be the same courses, taught by the same professors as in the brochures I would receive in my inbox at work. My guess is they would be every bit as enlightening and challenging. What would have been missed was the human interaction over meal times with participants from other companies. I always found those events to be of great value.

The drawback continues to be that many of these courses do not provide college credits. However, there are a few universities that are beginning to do so, but at a cost. I did find that as of March, 2016, both Georgia Tech and Arizona State are now offer credits for $200 per credit hour. Columbus State does not currently offer this option.
MOOC’s are certainly catching on and advancing in scope and reach. There is no reason to believe this will not continue. Free is a noble idea, but as we are seeing that business model does not hold up when someone is seeking credits toward a degree. My hope is that in time, MOOC’s will serve as a viable competitor and moderate the cost of the various options that exist today for a college education. One thing is abundantly clear, the cost of a traditional four-year degree is simply out of control right now.